- The ability to store Contact information.
- The ability to store Business information.
- The ability to print individual items from any of the data sets.
- The ability to link tasks, characters, comedy, facts, attributions or locations to a Woubie.
Here's an example of the difference it will make:
Let's say you're a comedian. You've created a Woubie called "Comedy Club A - 6/23/2010 Show" and you've stored detailed information about where you performed it, how long the set was, how well you performed, whether you sold promotional items or not, etc.
You've also created a database of 800 jokes and you've assigned categories & subcategories, ratings, duration, key words, etc. Simply having a flexible web-based database of your comedy material saves you a lot of time.
So, what could be better?
You could have the ability to flag the 20 jokes you used for the "Comedy Club A" show and link them to the Woubie you created for that show. Then you could easily print your set or replicate the set, change a few jokes and have a whole new set within minutes.
That's what the linking function will let you do!
For writers, the ability to link facts, characters and locations to a Woubie for a book or article will turn the process of managing hundreds of individual pieces of information from painful to painless.
So, keep on Woubiefying your world and we'll keep you updated on our progress towards Woubie 2.0.
Have a great summer!
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