...to speak of many things. Of shoes and ships and sealing-wax. Of cabbages and kings. And why the sea is boiling hot. And whether pigs have wings. (The Walrus and The Carpenter - Lewis Carroll)
As much fun as it would be to discuss pigs, the state of their wings (or lack of) and the many reasons they may have wings, the time hasn't actually come for that yet. But it has come for Woubie. In our previous blog we posted a screen shot of one section of Woubie. And although it's crystal clear to me, I've been informed by The Walrus that it may be about as clear as mud to the rest of the world. So I'll try to smear away a little of the mud.
The primary purpose of Woubie is to organize data. Not just any ol' data though. Woubie focuses on data that would be stored by writers and comedians. Specifically all of the minute details about facts, characters, locations, bibliography, quotes, jokes and several other things that we like to refer to as Objects. The screen shot we posted was of the Comedy section (or Object). Using Woubie, a comedian can take all of his or her material, store it, assign categories & subcategories (with easy to use drop down lists), sort & filter it, assign duration & ratings, flag whether it's "clean" material of not (i.e. rated XXX or not) and then link multiple jokes together to form a set.
The Walrus just informed me that I'm close to exceeding my word limit for this post. So we're off to have some oysters.
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